We have a Dual Love with Bears

Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 08:15 pm

What is your first impression of bears?Are they goofy clowns with adorable cubs or the opposite portrayal of ferocious unstoppable power.

These following images are photoshopped . They are not intended to fool anyone into believing they are real except for maybe one. But my blog displays photoshopped images.

This photo is usually portrayed with the meme.

“Sometimes motivation finds YOU” The cyclist is not dressed for winter biking. He and the bear would be blurry. And where is the photographer?

Next interesting photo features President Putin of Russia. In 2009 he went on vacation at a ranch in Siberia. He enjoyed hiking and fishing.

Here Putin is riding a beautiful buckskin horse. 

This photo was lifted and photoshopped into Putin riding a brown bear. It went viral and became immensely popular.

Both photos were created on the Internet. But they were approved by the Kremlin and even utilized in publicity photographs. The bear is a national symbol of Russia. The photos symbolized Putin considered at that time as a strong, powerful ruler to restore a divided Russia.

Next photo shows a National Geographic team running from a bear. The bear is photoshopped, but team was real .They filmed in Salida, Colorado in 2011. Tim Sparks, the red- haired leader said they sent the photo to friends and family members as a prank.

This is the photo that went viral and was mistaken by many as real.

Michio Hoshino was a wildlife photographer.

He died, mauled by a brown bear in 1996. He and his team camped at the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia. The bear attacked at 4 am .The bear destroyed Michio’s tent so suddenly the other teammates had no time to react. They could not save him.
However, the photo seemed during the daytime and Michio had amazing self control to photograph the attacking bear so clearly and focused.It was stolen off a Worth 1000 entry. Created by Bonny Saint Andrew for contest Final Photo 9.






